Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

  • This is a call for all of you with a great idea, prototype or business to help Lisboa and its residents! The challenge focuses on three main categories: Quality of Education, Access to Healthcare, and Integration of Migrants.

  • Any team, individual or organization is eligible to apply. Applications with proposed tech solutions in various stages are encouraged to apply. The proposed tech solutions must be able to be fully developed and implemented within one year if selected as a finalist. The proposed solution can be something that currently is in operation but would be refined and adapted to the context in Lisbon. Proposals with a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) that would be further developed if selected also are welcome to apply. Likewise, new solutions or improvements to existing ones are eligible. There are no restrictions on headquarters, nationality, or industry.

  • Phase 1: Applications

    Call for applications: June to September 8, 2024

    Evaluation & Selection: September 9 to 30, 2024

    Winners’ announcement: October 2 to 3, 2024


    Phase 2: Proof-of-concept

    Develop Work Plan: October 7 to 31, 2024

    Piloting Phase: November 4 to February, 2025

    Project Showcase: March, 2025

    Jury Selection: April 2025

    Winners Announcement: May 2025

Application Process

  • Applications should be submitted via the application form at our website. If you have any questions during the process, you can contact us at

  • Your application should include details about your relevant experience, expertise, partnerships, performance track record, and a broad plan for bringing your product to market. It should also address risk management and financial sustainability. Your proposal also should outline how your tech solution will address one of the challenge topics.

  • Applications should be in English. However, if there are significant limitations, submissions in Portuguese are also accepted. Communications throughout the process must be in Portuguese or English.

  • No, if the team does not speak Portuguese, proficiency in English is only required for at least one team member.

  • Each applicant group is limited to one entry.

  • The proposed technology must clearly respond to one or more of the city's challenges (Quality of Education, Access to Healthcare, Integration of Migrants) and meet current local regulations, laws, and/or rules. The technology must be able to be integrated within the local platforms and/or systems.

  • No, applicants are not required to have a registered company to apply with a potential solution.  However, if selected as a winner, it will be necessary to create a registered company.

Evaluation and Selection

  • Applications will be evaluated based on the strength of the application, the team's expertise and experience, the feasibility of implementing the technology within the given timeline, and the potential impact on the challenge areas.

  • Applications will be reviewed by staff from the Unicorn Factory and Câmara Municipal de Lisboa in the initial stages. The final selection will be made by a jury from the City Council, Unicorn Factory Lisboa, and other experts in the field, such as social incubators and social investors. For more details please confirm our Rules

  • The jury will evaluate the projects based on criteria such as addressing the challenge, degree of impact, socio-economic benefits, social innovation, feasibility, and potential for widespread adoption. For more details please confirm our Rules.

Award Structure

  • The award process has two phases. In Phase 1, three finalists per category (nine finalists total) will be selected for a proof-of-concept phase with no direct financial provided but in-kind support and resources will be given. In Phase 2, one winner per category (three winners total) will be selected for project implementation and awarded 120,000€ each.

  • Finalists will receive bi-weekly mentorship, access to relevant City Departments, Unicorn Factory Lisboa’s extended network, legal and regulatory guidance, the opportunity to showcase project updates, tailored project support, workshops and training seminars, office space, access to FabLab network and technology, and participation in all Unicorn Factory Lisboa events.

  • Finalists are expected to develop a work plan, implement the pilot project, attend workshops and mentoring sessions, and provide regular updates on their progress. At least one team member must be present for required in-person activities and key events. For more details please confirm our Rules.

  • The winner per category will be awarded 120,000€, paid in two installments.

Support and Contact

  • For any questions or support during the application process, you can reach out to

  • Updates and announcements will be available on the official website and Unicorn Factory Lisboa, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa and other Strategic Partners social media channels.